The transport and logistics complex of Russia at the first stage of sanctions restrictions

  • Savaley V.V.

    Viktor V. Savaley. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The aggravation of the geopolitical situation in the world and the introduction of large-scale sanctions against Russia affected all areas of the national economy. But the most tangible blow fell on the foreign economic link and the functioning of the transport and logistics sector. The fundamentally new configuration of foreign trade cargo flows that is currently being formed turns the transport and logistics ser-
vice into the most important strategic link in the restructuring of the national economy. Analysis of statistical data for 2019–2021 shows that by 2022 the branches of the transport and logistics complex had overcome the recession provoked by the pandemic crisis and, relying on a sufficiently developed transport infrastructure, moved to a sustainable dynamics of their development. However, according to the results of
the 1st half of 2022, due to sanctions restrictions, a drop was recorded in most indicators of the development of maritime and rail transport. In the article, based on the results of the analysis of emerging negative trends, the problems and tasks of reformatting transport and logistics routes to the Far East are updated. To this end, it is necessary to form a backbone network of multimodal tra sport and logistics centers
along the Trans-Siberian Railway, as well as in the immediate vicinity of the Far Eastern seaports. The substantiated conclusion is that the counter-sanctions mechanism developed by the government on an operational basis, based on the development of parallel import schemes, needs to be supplemented by measures to stimulate and subsidize projects and pro-grams for the modernization of transport and logistics in-
frastructure, and to make adjustments to the program and strategic documents for the development of the country's transport system.
Keywords: transport and logistics complex, maritime transport, rail transport, container transportation, sanctions restrictions, parallel imports.
